On Wednesday night we went to a club that was just opening up. We know the owner through a friend of a friend. The club owner may have named his club after our Drake friend, Jason, but there is another Jason we hang out with too. In any case, I had a good chuckle when the huge sign for the club read: JASON CLUB.
This little waitress got shitfaced with us. Whenever someone would fill up a drink at our table, she would also fill up and say, "Gombei!" which means something like "empty glass." She couldn't have been more than 5'3" and she was making all the guys drink and dance with her (not that we were complaining). She was absolutely hilarious, piss drunk, and bouncing off the walls. Hopefully someone has a video of her showing me this absolutely retarded dance (let's just say I made the entire table of Drake people crack up). After going to this club, it was finally confirmed for me that the Chinese (mostly the men, I suppose) have no dancing skills at all...if only you could see what I've seen.
As the club was gradually emptying, we were all dancing and suddenly our friend, Daniel, just kind of passed out on the floor. We tried to slap him awake but to no avail so we had to carry him out of the bar. (Sidenote: This is not the first time this has happened. A couple months ago he passed out at a club in a booth and didn't wake up until the morning and a security guard had to let him out). Soon afterwards, the guy who was buying all our drinks for us ironically also passed out and we had to carry him out. Not only all this, but it was also the night of the Mongolian New Year and a bunch of Mongolians from my apartment building were there and they were also heavily intoxicated. All in all, it was quite a shitshow. Afterwards we got drunk food and I got a taxi back with the Mongolians and ended up staying up until 4:30 drinking with them. I made them try Jim Beam and they liked it. All one of them could say in English was, "Motherfuck!" and "I hate Chinese people!"
For Thanksgiving day meal the next day, Megan, Mikey, Angela, Tamara (Italian girl), Shirly (Chinese girl), Bence, and I went to Andy’s apartment. Andy is here in the window tinting and solar paneling business (if I remember correctly) and is quite well off here in China. We met him through our Argentinean and Hungarian friends Fabian and Bence. After Bence agreed to cook, Andy and his visiting friend, Justin, decided to buy all the ingredients. Bence cooked for nearly 12 hours before we were ready to eat at 8 p.m. Unbelievably, even by the last couple of hours, Bence was still dancing, headbanging, singing, and cooking (sometimes all at the same time). I would mostly credit this to Bence being quite ADHD. Apparently Angela helped out too but only at Bence's command: "Stir this" or "Taste this" but that was all the help that Bence wanted or needed. We had turkey, garlic potatoes, mashed potatoes with gravy, garlic bread, cranberry chutney (the only thing that was not made from scratch), pumpkin pie, and strawberry cake. The pumpkin pie didn't have the same consistency of pumpkin pie as we know it because we had pumpkin pie made from scratch...yea, that's right. The inside of a pumpkin was literally mashed up to make the filling. Bence said, "I didn't know what a pumpkin pie tastes like or even looks like so this is what I thought it would be" and lo and behold, it was awesome...especially with the homemade whipped cream.
On Friday we went out drinking for our Jake's birthday. Lots of the usual foreigners were out plus some new ones who I met. After wondering around for a while I came back to look for my coat because I wanted my camera. Along with mine, the pile of "foreigner" coats was missing. I became very agitated as I searched every nook and cranny of the club. Finally I was pissed off and decided to stand up on a wobbly table full of drinks (like any irrational drunk pissed off person would do) and was immediately asked to get down. Finally, after losing all hope as everyone was leaving. Someone pulled at my coat, along with two Japanese girls' coats (!?). Fuckin' A! I guess one of our foreign friends put all the coats in one fucking cubbie without telling us. Dumb bastard.
On Saturday morning we went to Handan which is only about an hour and a 1/2 away by train. I was totally hungover as balls. The Drake people that teach at Handan graciously offered to cook us a Thanksgiving feast and we, of course, accepted. This was literally the biggest Thanksgiving I had personally ever seen. Chicken, cornbread, cauliflower, green beans and mushrooms, apple pies, pumpkin bars, mashed potatoes, butternut squash soup, the list goes on and on. There was entirely too much food for the 15 of us so the Drake people that teach there invited about 20 or 30 of their students to help and there was still food left over. Amazing. I could have just laid around and eaten that food for a week and not even cared. We watched as their students performed dances and break dances for us...and we showed them the chicken dance, haha. Afterwards we went to a karaoke place, but as most people were still in a Thanksgiving coma there wasn't the energy there usually is at karaoke so we went home and watched Home Alone.
I will write about Beijing later...